Passive droplet dispenser
20 Dec 2016
Our paper on Design and fabrication of a passive droplet dispenser for portable high resolution imaging system has been accepted by Scientific Reports

25 Aug
Our advanced microscopes at Bio-Optics Lab at JCSMR listed on website

High Resolution Imaging work visit
20 Aug 2016
Steve spent time working on high resolution imaging techniques with Hari Shroff's group at NIH (USA) and Jochen Kupper's group at DESY (Germany)
Our joint publication with Andrei Rode covered by ARC CoE Imaging
Imaging CoE AI Steve Lee, from the Australian National University, published a paper in Biomedical Optics Express that lays out an all optical particle delivery system for use in XFEL experiments. Here, Steve explains the paper, the physics and the contactless trampoline to us.

Holographic Imaging of Malaria Infected RBC
18 Jul
Our paper on Automated DHM is accepted by Biomedical Optics Express
17 Jul
- AO Lab Group members will be attending SPIE Bio-Photonics Australasia on Photonics for Diagnostics and Treatment.
- Steve to chair the Advanced Imaging and Raman Sensing Session

Optically levitating particles in air
09 Jun 2016
Our joint paper on Optical Levitated particles in air has been provisionally accepted by Biomedical Optics Express

DIY Lens making Kit
Do-It-Yourself Lens Workshop @ Monash University
ARC CoE Advanced Molecular Imaging Summit 2015