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Book Chapter

† Corresponding  * Co-first Author

News Article


  • OSA Spotlight Summary on new way of droplet lens fabrication (link)

  • Droplet lens work highlighted by Jon Cartwright,"Technology: Smartphone science" Nature 531,669–671 (2016) link , pdf

  • W.M Lee †, "Pocket Pathology",The Pathologist - Texere Publishing 314, 39-41 (2014) - link 

  • W.M. Lee †, T Kamal  , “A droplet approach to lens making”, The Australian Optical Society 28  30-31 (2014) - link


Book Chapter

2.    V R. Daria & W.M.Lee, “Optical nanomanipulation and structured-beam optical traps”, Comprehensive Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2nd Edition, Elsevier In Press (2018) link (pdf)

1 .  Dholakia, K. & W.M.Lee  Optical Trapping Takes Shape: The Use of Structured Light Fields. Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Elsevier vol 56. pg 261-337 (2008)  link  (pdf)


2022. T.Xu, W.M.Lee "cSLOS"  AU2022902123 (pdf)

2019 . W.M.Lee, Y X Li, Y J Lim "Laser scanning system" WO2021127733A1   (link)

2017. W.M.Lee, Z Cen, T Xu "Method for fabricating lenses"  US20210283871A1 (link),US

2016. R Fleddermann, W.M.Lee, J Chow "Improvement in optical delay line"  WO2017205892A1 (link)

2014. W.M.Lee, “Fabrication of Lens with gravity”,EP3100100A1 (link)



​1Lim, Y.J., Zhang, J., Lin, H., Xu, T., Li, Y., Zhang, Z., Hicks, S.M., Chudinov, I., Nechipurenko, D.Y., Gardiner, E.E., W M Lee "Patterning Fluid Shear Stress Landscapes with Multiphoton Inner Laser Lithography (MILL) for Live Cell Adhesion and Translocation".(Preprint)




63. Yean Jin Lim, Andrew Waddell, Tienan Xu, Zhiduo Zhang, Deborah Barkauskas, Angela Fontaine, Tong Wu, Chunsong Yan, Tri Phan, Woei Ming Lee,"Raster Adaptive Optics: Simplifying adaptive imaging"  Ability Optics Pty Ltd (pdf) White Paper


62. N  D  Bhattacharyya , W  Kyaw, M  M. McDonald, R  Dhenni ,  A K. Grootveld , Y Xiao , R Chai, W H Khoo, L C. Danserau, M Sergio, P Timpson, W M Lee, P I. Croucher, T G Phan "Minimally invasive longitudinal intravital imaging of cellular dynamics in intact long bone" Nat Protocol (online)


61.   Y Zheng*, Yean Jin Lim*, Hanqi Lin, Tienan Xu, Carmen Longbottom , Viviane Delghingaro-Augusto, Yee Lin Thong, Christopher Parish, Elizabeth E Gardiner, Woei Ming Lee "Combined scattering, interferometry and fluorescence oblique illumination for live cell nanoscale imaging "  ACS Photonics  9, 12, 3876–3887 (2022) (pdf)

60. Tienan Xu, Hanqi Lin,Yean J Lim, Philip R. Nicovich, Katharina Gaus, and W M Lee "Computational single-objective scanning light sheet

(cSOLS)", APL Photonics 7, 081302 (2022) (pdf) (open access)

59.  Anand V., Tahara T., Lee W.M. "Advanced optical holographic imaging technologies" Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 128, 198 (2022) (pdf)



58. Y Zheng, S J. Montague, Y J  Lim, T Xu, E. E. Gardiner, W M Lee, “Label-free multimodal quantitative imaging flow assay for intra-thrombus formation in vitro” Biophys J (Cell Press) 120, 791-804(2021)Online (pdf) 


57. M M. McDonald, Weng Hua Khoo…… P. Timpson, W M Lee,…,.P Croucher, T G Phan, “Osteoclasts recycle via osteomorphs during RANKL-stimulated bone resorption” Cell (Cell Press) 184 1330-1347 (2021) (pdf)

56.G Gauthier-Coles, J Vennitti, Zhiduo Zhang, W Comb, S Xing, K Javed, A Broer, and S Bröer "Quantitative modelling of amino acid transport and homeostasis in mammalian cells" Nat Comms 12, 5282 (2021) (pdf)


55. Tienan Xu, Yean Jin Lim, Yujie Zheng, Moon Sun Jung, Katharina Gaus, Elizabeth E. Gardiner and W M Lee "Modified inverted selective plane illumination microscopy for sub-micrometer imaging resolution in polydimethylsiloxane soft lithography devices" Lab On Chip 20, 3960-3969(2020) (pdf)  DOI: 10.1039/D0LC00598C

54.  Z Zhang,Y Zheng,T Xu, A Upadhya,Y J Lim, A Mathews,L Xie, W M Lee "Holo-UNet: hologram to hologram neural network restoration for high fidelity low light quantitative phase imaging of live cells" Biomedical Optics Express 11, 5478 (2020)  doi:10.1364/BOE.395302 (Github link)

53 .Y X Li, Y J Lim, Q K Xu, L Beattie, E E Gardiner, K Gaus, W Heath, W.M. Lee†, “Raster Scanning Adaptive Optics for video rate correction and large field of view imaging” Biomedical Optics Express 2 1032 (2020) link (pdf)

52.S.J Montague, Y.J Lim, W.M Lee and E.E Gardiner, “Imaging platelet processes and function – current and emerging approaches for imaging in vitro and in vivo” Front. Immunol. (2020) doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.00078 link (pdf)

51. Y. Wang*, X F He*, K F Bruggeman, B Gayen, A Tricoli, W M Lee, R J Williams, D R Nisbet, “Peptide Programmed Hydrogels as Safe Sanctuary Microenvironments for Cell Transplantation” Advanced Functional Materials (2020) link  ,pdf (*Equal contribution) 

50.SJ Montague, SM Hicks, C S-M Lee, LA Coupland, CR Parish, WM Lee, RK Andrews, EE Gardiner, "Fibrin exposure triggers αIIbβ3-independent platelet aggregate formation, ADAM10 activity and glycoprotein VI shedding in a charge-dependent manner" Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis (2020)  (link) (pdf)


49. A. Upadhya*, Y Zheng*, W.M.Lee, “Structured Back Focal Plane Interferometry” Scientific Reports 9, 20273 (2019) link pdf * Equal contribution

48. F. M. Ayyalil, S. J. Montague, S. Hicks, A. Kaur, A. Jahangiri, N. Pati, P. Crispin, Y. Zheng, X. Tienan, L. Coupland, W. M. Lee, J. D'Rozario, and E. E. Gardiner, "Platelet Function in Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinuria" Blood 134, 4884-4884 (2019). link

47. M Lui, E. E. Gardiner, J.F. Arthur, I Pinar, W M Lee, K Ryan, J Carberry, Robert K. Andrews “Thrombus Formation in Shear Gradients: Influence of Shear Forces and Human Platelet-Related Factors” Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20(12), 2967 (2019) link


46. X.F.He, SJ Montague, Xu Tao, EE Gardiner, WM Lee†, "Quantifying embolism: label free volumetric mapping of thrombus structure and kinesis in a microfluidic system with optical holography" Advanced Biosystems 1800089 (2018) link pdf

45. W.M.Lee†, T J McMenamin, Y X Li "Optical toolkits for in vivo deep  tissue laser scanning microscopy: a primer", Journal of Optics 20 (6), 063002 (2018) pdf , link

44. Y X Li, S.J. Montague, A Brüstle, X.F. He, C. Gillespie, K Gaus, E.E. Gardiner, W.M.Lee† “High   contrast   imaging   and   flexible   photomanipulation  for  quantitative in  vivo multiphoton imaging  with polygon  scanning microscope” Journal of Biophotonics  11 (7), e201700341 (2018) link pdf

43. T. Kamal, L. Yang, W. M. Lee† "In situ retrieval and correction of aberrations in moldless lenses using Fourier Ptychography ", Optics Express 26 2708 -2719 (2018) link

42. S. J. Montague, C Delierneux, C Lecut, N Layios, R J. Dinsdale, C  Lee, N S. Poulter, R K. Andrews, P Hampson,  C M. Wearn, N Maes, J Bishop, A Bamford, C Gardiner, W.M. Lee, T Iqbal, N Moiemen, S. P. Watson, C Oury, P Harrison, E. E. Gardiner, "Soluble GPVI is elevated in injured patients: shedding is mediated by fibrin activation of GPVI ", Blood Advances 2 240 (2018) link




41. R. Fleddermann*, W. M. Lee *†, K Huang, G. Campbell , P. K. Lam , J. H. Chow, "Compact flexible multi-pass rotary delay line using spinning micromachine mirror" 7 9299 Scientific Reports (2017) link * Equal contribution

40. Y X Li * , V Gautam, A Brustle, I A Cockburn, V R Daria, C Gillespie, K Gaus, C Alt, and W M Lee †* “Flexible polygon-mirror based laser scanning microscope platform for multiphoton in-vivo imaging” 10 1526 Journal of Biophotonics (2017) 10.1002/jbio.201600289 (pdf) Media * Equal contribution

39. T Kamal, R Watkins, Z Cen, J Rubinstein, G  Kong and W.M.Lee† “Design and fabrication of a passive droplet dispenser for portable high resolution imaging system” Scientific Reports 7 41482 (2017) link

38.  J Choy, S Sane, W M Lee, C Stricker, H Bachor, V Daria, “Improving focal photostimulation of cortical neurons with pre-derived wavefront correction” Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 11 105 (2017) link

37. Qi Fang, A Curatolo, P Wijesinghe, J Hamzah, P Noble, K Karonwski, D D.Sampson, R Ganss, J K Kim, W. M. Lee, B Kennedy, “Ultrahigh resolution optical coherence elastography through a micro-endoscope: towards in vivo imaging of cellular-scale mechanics” Biomedical Optics Express 8 5127 (2017) link  OSA Spotlight




36. X F He, C V Nguyen, M Pratap, Y J Zheng, Y Wang, D. R. Nisbet, R J Williams, M Rug, A G. Maier, W M Lee† "Automated Fourier space recognition filtering for off-axis digital holographic microscopy", Biomed. Opt. Express 7(8), 3111-3123 (2016) link

35. W Zhu*, N Eckerskorn, A Upadhya , L Li, A V. Rode† and W M Lee*† "Dynamic axial control over optically levitating particles in air with an electrically-tunable variable-focus lens" Biomedical Optics Express 7(7), 2902-2911 (2016) link, Media * Equal contribution




34. W.M. Lee †, “Miniature Droplet Lenses for mobile microscopy”, SPIE Newsroom 10.1117/2.1201505.005972 (2015) link

33. T Kamal, X F He, W.M Lee †, "Reinventing Pocket Microscopy",InFocus (Proceedings of the Royal Microscopical Society) 37, 41- 43 (2015) pdf,link

32. M Choi, W.M. Lee, S H Yun, “Intravital Microscopic Interrogation of Peripheral Taste Sensation”, Scientific Reports 5 8661 (2015) link      , Media




32. W.M. Lee †, A. Upadhya, P.J. Reece, T G Phan, "Fabricating Low Cost and High Performance Elastomer Lenses using Hanging Droplets", Biomedical Optics Express 5 1626-1635 (2014)  linkmedia

31. L Li, W.M.Lee †, X.S Xie, W.Z Krolikowski, A.V. Rode, J Y Zhou, "Shaping Self-imaging Bottle Beams with Modified Quasi-Bessel Beams", Opt. Lett. 39, 2278-2281 (2014). pdf

30. W.M. Lee †, “Frugal microscopy: Inspiring tomorrow’s interdisciplinary scientist “ InFocus (Proceedings of the Royal Microscopical Society) 36, 24-25 (2014) Letter to Editor pdf




28. Niko Eckerskorn, Li Li, Richard A. Kirian, Jochen Küpper, Daniel P. DePonte, Wieslaw Krolikowski, W. M. Lee, Henry N. Chapman, and Andrei V. Rode, "Hollow Bessel-like beam as an optical guide for a stream of microscopic particles," Opt. Express 21, 30492-30499 (2013) link

27.F Wang, W Toe, W.M Lee et al “Resolving Stable Axial Trapping Points of Nanowires in an Optical Tweezers Using Photoluminescence  Mapping" Nanoletters 13 1185-1191 (2013) pdf




26. Akiyoshi, T., W. M. Lee, et al. "In Vivo Two Photon Microscopy of Aortic Allografts: A New Tool for Investigation of the Dynamics of Graft Vascular Rejection." American Journal of Transplantation 12: 466-466. (2012).

25. J K Kim*,   W.M Lee* et al, In vivo cellular imaging of internal organs in small animals with GRIN fluorescence endomicroscopy: from fabrication to imaging” Nature Protocols  7 1456-1469(2012) *Cover Article * Equal contribution pdf




24. W. M. Lee, S H Yun "Adaptive aberration correction of GRIN lenses for confocal laser scanning micro-endoscopy," Optics letters 36, 4608 (2011).  * Reported in Virtual Journal of Bio pdf

23. Y. Arita, M. L. Torres-Mapa, W. M. Lee, T.Cizmar, P. Campbell, F. J. Gunn-Moore, and K. Dholakia, "Spatially optimized gene transfection by laser-induced breakdown of optically trapped nanoparticles," Applied Physics Letters 98, 093702 (2011). pdf




22. J. C. Shane, M. Mazilu, W. M. Lee, and K. Dholakia, "Effect of pulse temporal shape on optical trapping and impulse transfer using ultrashort pulsed lasers," Optics Express 18, 7554-7568 (2010). link

21. P. Mthunzi, W. M. Lee, A. C. Riches, C. T. A. Brown, F. J. Gunn-Moore, and K. Dholakia, "Intracellular dielectric tagging for improved optical manipulation of mammalian cells," Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of 16, 608-618 (2010). pdf

20. T. H. Chow, W. M. Lee †, K. M. Tan, B. K. Ng, and C. J. R. Sheppard, "Resolving interparticle position and optical forces along the axial direction using optical coherence gating," Applied Physics Letters 97, 231113 (2010) pdf




19. K. M. Tan, M. Mazilu, T. H. Chow, W. M. Lee, K. Taguchi, B. K. Ng, W. Sibbett, C. S. Herrington, C. T. A. Brown, and K. Dholakia, "In-fiber common-path optical coherence tomography using a conical-tip fiber," Optics Express 17, 2375-2384 (2009). * Reported in Virtual Journal of Bio, Covered by OCT News link

18. W. M. Lee †, R. El-Ganainy, D. N. Christodoulides, K. Dholakia, and E. M. Wright, "Nonlinear optical response of colloidal suspensions," Optics Express 17, 10277-10289 (2009). pdf

17. R. El-Ganainy, D. N. Christodoulides, E. M. Wright, W. M. Lee, and K. Dholakia, "Nonlinear optical dynamics in non-ideal gases of interacting colloidal nanoparticles," Physical Review A 80, 053805 (2009). pdf




16. J. L. Hernandez-Pozos, W. M. Lee, L. I. Vera-Robles, A. Campero, and K. Dholakia, "Controlled three-dimensional manipulation of vanadium oxide nanotubes with optical tweezers," Applied Physics Letters 93, 243107 (2008).pdf




15. W. M. Lee, P. J. Reece, R. F. Marchington, N. K. Metzger, and K. Dholakia, "Construction and calibration of an optical trap on a fluorescence optical microscope," Nature Protocols 2, 3226-3238 (2007). pdf

14. W. M. Lee, and K. Dholakia, "Optically trapped and controlled microapertures for studies of spatial coherence in an arbitrary light field," Applied physics letters 90, 261101 (2007).pdf

13. K. Dholakia, W. M. Lee, L. Paterson, M. P. MacDonald, R. McDonald, I. Andreev, P. Mthunzi, C. T. A. Brown, R. F. Marchington, and A. C. Riches, "Optical separation of cells on potential energy landscapes: Enhancement with dielectric tagging," Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of 13, 1646-1654 (2007).pdf




12. W. M. Lee, V. Garcas -Chavez, and K. Dholakia, "Interference from multiple trapped colloids in an optical vortex beam," Optics Express 14, 7436-7446 (2006).link




11. X. Yuan, B. P. S. Ahluwalia, W. C. Cheong, L. S. Zhang, W. M. Lee, K. J. Moh, J. Lin, and S. H. Tao, "High efficient micro-optical elements for optical vortices in optical manipulation," OPN,  (2005). link

10. K. J. Moh, W. M. Lee, W. C. Cheong, and X. C. Yuan, "Multiple optical line traps using a single phase-only rectangular ridge," Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 80, 973-976 (2005).pdf

9. W. M. Lee, B. P. S. Ahluwalia, X. C. Yuan, W. C. Cheong, and K. Dholakia, "Optical steering of high and low index microparticles by manipulating an off-axis optical vortex," Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 7, 1 (2005). pdf


8. S. H. Tao, W. M. Lee, and X. Yuan, "Experimental study of holographic generation of fractional Bessel beams," Applied optics 43, 122-126 (2004).pdf

7. W. M. Lee†, X. C. Yuan, and K. Dholakia, "Experimental observation of optical vortex evolution in a Gaussian beam with an embedded fractional phase step," Optics communications 239, 129-135 (2004).pdf

6. W. M. Lee, X. C. Yuan, and W. C. Cheong, "Optical vortex beam shaping by use of highly efficient irregular spiral phase plates for optical micromanipulation," Optics letters 29, 1796-1798 (2004).pdf

5. W. M. Lee, and X. C. Yuan, "Experimental observation of'pure helical phase'interference using moire fringes generated from holograms with dislocations," Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 6, 482 (2004). pdf

4. W. C. Cheong, W. M. Lee, X. C. Yuan, L. S. Zhang, K. Dholakia, and H. Wang, "Direct electron-beam writing of continuous spiral phase plates in negative resist with high power efficiency for optical manipulation," Applied physics letters 85, 5784 (2004).*Photonics Spectra pdf




3. S. H. Tao, W. M. Lee, and X. C. Yuan, "Dynamic optical manipulation with a higher-order fractional Bessel beam generated from a spatial light modulator," Optics letters 28, 1867-1869 (2003). pdf

2. W. M. Lee, and X. C. Yuan, "Observation of three-dimensional optical stacking of microparticles using a single Laguerre Gaussian beam," Applied physics letters 83, 5124-5126 (2003).pdf

1. W. M. Lee, X. Yuan, and D. Tang, "Optical tweezers with multiple optical forces using double-hologram interference," Optics Express 11, 199-207 (2003). * Issue Cover * Photonics Spectralink

Thesis (PhD, Master, Honors-JCSMR)

12.  Samantha Holt (2024) "Developing a 3D tissue assay with photosensitive THOL-ENE micropatterning"​ ANU JCSMR Honours Thesis (pdf)

11.  Sophie Bulloch (2024)  "Investigating Stromal Spheriod Interactions under varying fluid viscosity" ANU JCSMR Honours Thesis (pdf)

10. Tienan Xu (2024) "Advancing 3D volumetric imaging with computational optics for in vitro tissue model" ANU PhD Thesis (pdf)

9.   Zhiduo Zhang (2023) "The application of Holo-UNet on Biomedical Imaging" ANU MPhil Thesis (pdf)

8.   A. Upadhya(2022) "Structuring Optical Field with OFTs For Particle Tracking and Live Cell Imaging"ANU PhD Thesis (pdf)

7.   Y Zheng (2021) "Label-Free Functional imaging Of Platelets Under Flow At The Nanoscale" ANU PhD Thesis (pdf)

6.   Y.X.Li (2020) "Volumetric Adaptive Optical Multiphoton Microscope for in vivo imaging and photomanipulation" ANU, PhD Thesis (pdf)

5.   X F He (2019) "Advanced Volumetric Microscopy Techniques for Dynamic Studies of Anucleate cells" ANU, PhD Thesis (pdf)

4.   T Kamal (2018)“Compact Microscopy Systems with Non-Conventional Optical Techniques”  ANU, PhD Thesis (pdf) 

3.   Niko Eckerskorn (2016)“ Trapping and guiding microscopic particles with light-induced forces” ANU, PhD Thesis (pdf) 

2.   W.M. Lee (2010) “Optical Trapping: Optical Interferometric Metrology and Nanophotonics” Uni of St Andrews(UK), PhD Thesis(pdf) 

1.   W.M. Lee & W.Y.Yap (2002) “Computer generated holograms for optical tweezers”,NTU (Singapore), Honours Thesis (link)

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