
We are looking to fill 2 PhD positions
1. Mapping long range cell migration and memory under changing extracellular fluid pressure
2. Adaptive low phototoxicity Imaging of migrating Cells in Spleen and Bone
ACRF InCite RAO Installed
RAO system Phase 1 installation completed at ACRF Incite. Excited to be begin Phase 2 Imaging trials
Congrats to Avinash's thesis submission
Avinash submitted PhD thesis "Structuring Light with Optical Fourier Transform for particle tracking and live cell imaging" and will begin a postdoctoral fellowship at University of Adelaide.
Congrats to Yujie's for a successful defense
Well Done!!

This course introduces the broad concepts of biomedical imaging across a range of modalities. It provides a foundation towards the understanding of how modern biomedical imaging technologies generate multi-dimensional data for analysis and diagnosis. Key technologies covered include: XRay, CT, MRI, FMRI, Ultrasound, light microscopy, and medical imaging processing. Application of the biomedical images used to interpret biological process and diagnostics disease will also be discussed in small groups. Hands-on practical laboratory visits to cutting edge advanced bioimaging systems will be available to reinforce the lecture material, and quantitative imaging processing in the context of basic research and clinical settings will be covered.

We empirically determined a series of optimal azimuthal scanning angles and rotating beam to achieve simultaneous and label-free nanoscale and fluorescence imaging. Label-free nanoscale imaging here refers to interferometric, brightfield (BF) and darkfield (DF) rotating coherence scattering (ROCS) microscopy, while fluorescence refers to high inclined Laminated Oblique (HiLO) and total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) imaging. The combined capabilities of interferometric, scattering and fluorescence imaging enables (1) the identification of molecular targets (substrate or organelle), (2) quantification of 3D cell morphodynamics, and (3) tracking of intracellular organelles in 3D.

Inspired by the ancient art form of inside painting, we developed a technique for 3D fabrication of micro-patterned flow channels and mixed in vivo fluid flow in a matter of minutes. We termed this technique Multiphoton Inner Laser Lithography (MILL). We further showed that MILL is compatible with both flat and curved channel shapes. MILL recapitulated in vivo tissue topology and 3D fluid flow of the tissue microenvironment, all of which are vital for understanding of how extracellular fluid flow regulates cell function.

The remote imaging unit in SOLS does not use a conventional epifluorescence
image detection scheme (a single tube lens). In this paper, we propose a technique called computational SOLS (cSOLS) that achieves light sheet imaging without the remote imaging unit

ACRF InCite RAO beta testing
RAO system undergoing beta testing. Soon to be delivered to Garvan Incite

Congrats to Andy "sailing" off in 2023
Andy is working on project on Raster Adaptive Optics (ACRF INCite). He has secured a position with the Royal Navy in 2023. Good Job...

Congrats to Yujie's PhD thesis submission
Yujie submitted PhD thesis "Label-Free Functional imaging Of Platelets Under Flow At Nanoscale" and now works at MGI