20 Dec
Well done to Sherry for a successful PhD examination!!

6 Dec
AusIndustry Funding and TrendBio funds commercialisation of PolyScope
27 Nov
This project aims to develop a novel microscopy platform that will enable the visualisation and quantification of molecular events occurring under fluid shear stress.
7 Nov 2018
A new method using advanced microfluidics and microscopy could offer clinicians a better way of detecting blood clots to prevent strokes and heart attacks. by Menaka Wilhelm (American Society of Mechanical Engineer)
6 Nov
Alex Ma from Gaus Lab is visiting our group for a year to work on super-res imaging
28 Sept
The healthy value of light in blood
Blood is essential for life. Understanding blood cells and their interaction with a myriad network of living vessels holds key to the health of circulatory system. Modern optical engineering techniques has transformed light into an indispensable tool to investigate and monitor the health of the blood circulatory system. In this talk, I shall elucidate cutting edge approaches, combining the latest optical engineering with novel biological studies, which are presenting new opportunities to capture dynamic blood processes while it is occurring. I will also touch upon the latest advances of light tools in my laboratory that is enabling the next generation of biological imaging tools for detecting blood diseases.

29 Aug
Collaboration on holographic imaging of embolism with Platelet Group hit the headlines !!!

Well done!!
Well done to Tahseen for a successful PhD examination!!
4 July
A public lecture sponsored by within the project European Structural and Investment Funds Operational Programme Research, Development and Education.

24 July 2018
Congratulations to Tahseen for her new position at Postdoctoral Research Associate at Canberra UNSW to work on Optical Imaging

4 July
We demonstrate for the first time that QPM is a unique tool that enables capture of comprehensive multi-dimensional morphological information of a developing thrombus that would be challenging in other imaging modalities

08 May 2018
Concise overview of the design considerations of a laser scanning microscope for deep tissue bioimaging.

26 Feb
Two key improvements that overcome limitations of existing polygon scanning microscopes whilst maintaining high spatial and temporal imaging resolution over large fields of view (FOV)

24 Jan
Computational optics reverses high amounts of optical aberrations in moldless lenses in-situ